Right Said Fred
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Yes they live amongst us
“We will decide who lives or dies”.
Very funny guy

The most worrying feature of the last 8 months has been the rabid push to jab everyone!

That really should have been raising flags and ringing bells for people and picked up by the media. It didn't and it wasn't. Worse still any attempt to raise alarm or dissent has been censored, smeared and squashed.

It's as though covid was ebola with its 50% IFR, not the 0.15% that is the reality of Covid.

It's as though the vaccines were actually vaccines that stopped the spread and were 100% safe rather than the reality of being experimental gene therapies with serious and unknown adverse effects and questionable efficacy.

It's as though these hugely expensive vaccines were the only treatment and our only hope rather than the reality of many drugs being available which are cheap, safe, well understood, and effective at treating and preventing covid.

It's as though the govt, SAGE and Pharma were more concerned with money, power and reputation than your health....

My brother has really severe schizophrenia. He is okay but basically a recluse. I got this from him today.. how sad! 😓.

Hi Ren, how are you?
I’m messaging really to get your thoughts about an NHS letter I received today ‘strongly encouraging’ me to have a vaccine.
The thing is Ren, due to my mental health illness I can’t have this vaccine. I’m worried they’re going to enforce it on me.

My local doctors surgery recently phoned me a few times as well asking me to have a vaccine; and I told them on all occasions that I can’t due to my ilness. Really sickening that they haven’t looked at my records and shown empathy.

Shall I talk to my psychiatrist about getting an exemption etc? What is your advice?
Love from Anton

We are screwed over here, send troops!

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